Whether it’s an ill-fitting Christmas jumper from dear Aunt Maud or a bubble bath set from Secret Santa at work, we’re all familiar with receiving a Christmas present better suited to someone else. But there’s no need to let a gift we don’t want go to waste – as new research suggests giving friends and family second-hand presents and regifting is not as frowned upon as people think.

New research from Royal Mail’s Parcel Collect shows that more than half (51%) of Britons would be happy to receive a second-hand or regifted present at Christmas, with only 25% confessing to taking umbrage.

However, there still appears to be an element of embarrassment at the thought of giving preowned presents, with 65% of people asked saying they thought there was a stigma attached to giving second-hand gifts.

Despite this, more than a quarter (27%) admit they’re likely to give a second-hand present this year. Most of them (56%) agreed they would likely tell the recipient. Only 15% thought they were unlikely to reveal where the gift had come from and 29% were unsure.

The most popular items people were considering giving as second-hand gifts are books (40%), followed by toys (30%), jewellery (26%), clothes (25%), computer games (18%), and gadgets (17%).

Regifting is also proving popular, with a third 32% saying they will regift items they have been bought and 29% saying they will give someone an item they bought for themselves but no longer need. One in five of us have items they were gifted last Christmas or birthday that they haven’t used (21%).

Reducing costs and environmental concerns were the biggest motivators for giving second-hand gifts, for 62% and 61% of us respectively.

To help people thinking of giving their unwanted items as presents this year,Royal Mail Parcel Collect has enlisted the help of gift wrap guru, Jane Means, to provide advice on using alternatives to wrapping paper that can be found in the home or bought for a fraction of the cost.

Jane said: “If you’re saving time and money by giving second-hand gifts or gathering those unused pressies you’ve been given in the past, why not continue the in the same vein and think creatively with your gift wrap ideas? There are so many things around the house or available quite cheaply that will make that special gift all the more unique.”

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Source: Royal Mail