PostEurop welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the definition of the ERGP’s work programme for 2023 and the new Medium term Strategy 2023-2025 through the present consultation.

As a background for this contribution, PostEurop’s Members would like to recall their previous positions and contributions to ERGP public consultations and calls for input, and its position paper on the Evaluation Report of the Postal Services Directive, which are recent and still very valid to reflect our approach towards the revision of the postal framework.

Furthermore, we would like to express our views on the deliverables planned for 2023 under the current Work programme, as well as remind our full availability and willingness to cooperate closely with ERGP at a technical level in the definition of these reports. In this regard, PostEurop welcomes ERGP’s intention to establish a more active dialogue with stakeholders, including postal operators, and expects to be able to provide inputs to the planned deliverables in a constructive and timely manner.


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