On 13 till 16 September 2023, Bulgarian Posts participated in the World Cleaning Day and the “Let’s clean Bulgaria together” initiative. 874 employees of the company volunteered to clean 329 sites throughout the country.

In 2023, PostEurop (the Association of Public Postal Operators in Europe) celebrates its 30th anniversary, and one of the initiatives to mark the event is a partnership with the Global NGO Let’s Do It World. For this purpose, in June 2023, a Global Agreement was signed between the two organizations. PostEurop invited all its members (55 operators from 53 countries and territories) to join a joint campaign. Bulgarian Post is one of the participants.

Involving postal workers, their families and friends in the initiative is a contribution to tackling the global waste problem. By participating in World Cleanup Day, the company expresses its support for the work of governments, organizations and volunteers around the world to create a cleaner living environment for current and future generations.

Source: Bulgarian Post