Security and Customs

It serves as an established platform for information exchange on security and customs developments together with its crisis network.  The transversal will initiate and carry out lobbying activities on security and customs issues, where necessary on behalf of members.


The Customs Working Group follows EU and international customs legislation initiatives, report on developments and act upon these as necessary and in the interest of PostEurop Members and the European postal industry.

This Working Groups aims for

  • a better understanding of related EU and international customs legislation developments and possible issues
  • Possibility to “influence” the EU and international customs legislation
  • Increase participants’ awareness on possible impacts of EU and international customs legislation changes on their organisation, process and structure.

Led by
Chair: Reinhard Fischer (Deutsche Post)
Vice-Chairs: Cristina Cuerda Albaladejo (Correos) & Christophe Pereira (La Poste)


The Security Working Group helps to further raise the current level of postal security to deter the occurrence of criminal activities, prevent the abuse of the sector for criminal purposes; to disrupt criminal activities, and support the detection and appropriate action against those who commit crime against the postal sector. In order to effectively deploy or apply pragmatic intervention against existing and future abuse, insight into threats, criminal activities, and methods as well as structures are required. This in-depth insight must then lead to the efficient use of people and resources for more effective action perspectives and corrective & preventative activities.

Led by
Chair: Lorenzo Mori (Poste Italiane)
Vice-Chair: Herwig Vanhoey (bpost)

Crisis and continuity management

The crisis and continuity management provides a forum of exchange on accurate and vital information and best practices at European level.

It also creates task forces to deal with more in-depth topics of interest for members.

Overseen by the SCT Chair & Vice-Chair