Once again, Hrvatska pošta has been honored with the prestigious Employer Partner Certificate, reaffirming its commitment to excellence in human resource management.

Awarded by SELECTIO, this recognition underscores Hrvatska pošta’s dedication to its Post 2025 corporate strategy (30), wherein core values like responsibility, cooperation, trust, and employee development take center stage. The ceremonious presentation of the Certificate took place on April 15 at the Croatian Post’s National Storage and Sorting Center in Velika Gorica.

During the certification process, Hrvatska pošta demonstrated significant improvement across all assessed areas, maintaining a high standard throughout. Key advancements were noted in Attracting and Employment, Induction and Development, Transformation and Growth, and Departure and Return.

Of particular note is the “Recommend a Colleague” program, a collaborative effort between the Office for Human Resources Management and the Office for Corporate Communications. This well-designed internal recommendation initiative rewards employees whose referrals result in successful hires, fostering a culture of engagement and mutual support. Moreover, Hrvatska pošta’s presence on various social media platforms serves to actively promote its employer brand, with employees serving as brand ambassadors.

Clear and timely communication, facilitated by platforms like the internal social network Jenz, has been instrumental in conveying organizational changes and critical business updates to employees effectively.

Ivana Mirković – Pogorilić, Director of the Human Resources Management Office, graciously accepted the Employer Partner Certificate on behalf of Hrvatska pošta. She emphasized the company’s commitment to addressing workforce challenges through initiatives aimed at enhancing employee satisfaction and retention, including substantial salary increases, loyalty rewards, and fostering conducive working environments. Mirković – Pogorilić emphasized that employee satisfaction is paramount for achieving heightened productivity, profitability, and ensuring quality service delivery, ultimately leading to user satisfaction.

Source: Hrvatska pošta