Royal Mail today issues its Universal Service Obligation (USO) Quality of Service report for First and Second Class mail for the financial year 2023-24.

Across the year, the business delivered an average of 92.4% of Second Class mail within three working days. 74.5% of First Class mail arrived within one day and more than 91% arrived within two days.

Between Q2 and Q4, First Class Quality of Service increased by 3.9% and Second Class Quality of Service increased by 2.3%.

This positive trajectory has continued as we move into the financial year 2024-25.

In April, First Class performance has been higher than in any period last year, according to the latest data.

Actions such as increased recruitment, new sickness and attendance policies, and a Quality Control Centre that manages disruption and focuses on improving speed and reliability in affected areas, have all contributed to encouraging results to date.

Alistair Cochrane, Chief Operating Officer, said: “Improving the reliability of our service is one of our top priorities. Throughout this year, we have implemented a series of changes to drive improvements, and this has led to some encouraging results.

“However, we acknowledge more must be done, and we will continue to work hard to deliver the standard of service our customers expect.

“In April, we submitted our proposed reforms on the Universal Service. This proposal is designed to protect what matters most to customers including maintaining the six-day service. This reform, combined with our efforts, will help create a modern, sustainable service for future generations.”

Source: Royal Mail