PostEurop’s members are companies entrusted with the universal postal service obligation. Hence, they share a public vocation and are committed to delivering a positive social impact to the business and society for centuries.
Since 2009, PostEurop and its members have taken the forward-looking initiative to further invest in sustainability and work towards their own ambitious targets to lower the carbon emission footprint, making them one of the sustainability front runners today. Sustainability is placed at the core of their actions.
With a pioneering spirit, PostEurop takes on a holistic a long-term approach to Sustainability beyond the Environmental impact, considering the Economic and Social impact as well. Its vision is driven by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Environmental Sustainability
PostEurop and its members are fully aligned with the EU objectives of achieving a significant reduction of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and aim to become climate-neutral by mid-century, with special emphasis on reducing emissions generated by buildings and transport activities. This includes having fleet transformation strategies in place, circular economy solutions, a zero-waste value chain and increasing usage of renewable energy in buildings. Customer can now enjoy postal products and services adapted to their sustainability needs.
Social Sustainability
Postal operators generate social value by ensuring social and economic cohesion through their network and services. The Association’s membership forms a large network employing more than 2 million people, 1,1 million alone in the EU. 60% of the workforce is dedicated to the delivery of goods and letters. All postal operators adhere to strong governance models that allow them to behave in a very ethical and respectful way as well as promote diversity in their companies.
Economic Sustainability
Finally, Postal operators connect every day 800 million people and businesses, they handle more than 60 billion items yearly and represent almost 1% of their countries GDP. We have and will continue to play an essential role in the single market by promoting economic growth, social cohesion and inclusion, as well as enhancing rural areas development, keeping all territories connected.
Leading the sustainable transformation
The PostEurop Environment, Social and Governance Transversal (ESGT) brings together postal experts, and aims at helping members to achieve a wider knowledge and actions considering the regulatory, operational and market developments within the Sustainability and ESG agendas.
It monitors and analyse regulatory, operational and market developments while positioning PostEurop as a committed association in response to the increasingly important and rapidly evolving sustainability and ESG commitments at European and international level while raising awareness among all Members on the need towards a sustainable transformation. It contributes to increase the external visibility and the communication around the PostEurop’s commitment to sustainability-related issues while improving the coordination with other international stakeholders on this matter.
PostEurop 2024 Collection of CSR Good Practices